YEAH YOU READ THAT RIGHT!! As promised in the Cosmopolitan article, Steph Grant is giving away one FREE LGBT WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY package in 2016 to celebrate marriage equality in the US. The contest will be held on Instagram.  Here's the run down: 1. Follow Steph HERE. 2. Upload a picture on Instagram of you and your significant other. 3. To enter: tell your love story, a little bit about...

The night after Christmas I was sitting in my loft reading a book and listening to the storm outside. I knew there was supposed to be some bad weather coming towards Dallas and there would more than likely be some tornadic activity but when the tornado sirens started going off I decided I better go downstairs and see what was going on. Right then I got...

This morning I watched a video of Pat Robertson giving advice to a mom about her gay daughter [below]. I was tempted to scroll past it because I knew it would more than likely get on my nerves. When I get bothered I am unable to keep it inside because I know there might be a parent out there hearing his advice and thinking it...

I can't imagine being that wedding photographer that just comes in, shoots and then leaves. How boring. I can't even go to the grocery store without making it a huge ordeal. Everything needs to be an adventure in my life and I am so happy that that has carried over into my career. I think I would surely perish if I were ever bored with...

Hey guys! Steph here. I hope you take time to read the Q & A below. I think a lot of people can relate and might need to hear it. More than anything I love it when people choose to talk openly about topics that are close to their hearts. There are so many times when we feel alone and it gives us hope to hear...

This entire trip to San Francisco was a dream. This was my last wedding of 2015. Dannng was that the cherry on top of another awesome year or what?! 'Twas. First off, I stayed in a treehouse near the Muir Woods. I didn't have reception, I went hiking and took a book. At night I would go into the small town of Mill Valley, CA and...

A year ago today I had just landed back in Dallas from an epic wedding in Arizona. At the Tucson airport I decided to book a last minute trip to Aruba. Before I knew it I was boarding a plane to Aruba for a solo adventure for the holidays! I decided to start a new tradition where I would travel once a year without taking my...

Once upon a time (in 2012) I took a trip to Center Moriches, NY for a shoot with Rebecca Dolber from R.E.D. One of the models was a girl named Phelan. We kept in touch over the years on social media and one day I heard from her with some good news! She wanted to let me know that she had met the love of her...